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  • Using MyDescriber for
    Health & HealthTech

    MyDescriber can help health companies to produce personalized reports and communications for patients and doctors to have immediate summarized reports for a patient coming in for a consultation. MyDescriber can run privately on premises or locally in an existing app. This assures that sensitive data doesn’t need to be processed outside of the place where it is securely stored. Our technology can automatically find relevant data and produce personalized texts or alerts that will help patients better understand their metrics and health history or be proactive about their health. If you want to add smart reporting and insights to your HealthTech platform, please contact us.

Example #1 (Health Professional)

Patient name: John Smith

Age: 46

Systolic blood pressure of this patient is at a 12 month high with a value of 14.1

This jump on systolic blodd pressure (from 12.0 to 14.1) was correlated with body weight being above 85kg.

During the last 6 months, 945 patients between 45 and 50 years old, with similar systolic blood pressure values, experienced somekind of cardiac complication. With body weight below 75 kg, systolic blood pressure measures above 14,0 are 67% less.

During the last 6 months, only 5 patients (out of 932) between 45 and 50, weighting between 70kg and 65kg had some type of cardiac problem.

Example #2 (Health Plan Customer)

Please remember to schedule your prostate exam. 4 years have passed since your last.

Near Santa Monica, CA, this exam is available in Providence Saint John's Health Center.

During your last appointment, systolic blood pressure was above recommended, with a value of 14.1. 10 days have passed since your last recorded it. We advise measuring it again as soon as possible.

Example #3 (patient)

(sent after check up results are available and with access granted to personal metrics through mobile app)

Your HDL cholesterol worsen to 54 mg/dL. Previous value was 63 mg/dL. Ideal value is above 60 mg/dL.

Daily sleep hours averaged 6.3 hours per night. This value should go up to 7 hours. Your sleep score goes down when screen time increases. Sleep quality is one of the main factors to avoid stroke and obesity.

Current exercise level is 20% below average, considering your age. Your stroke risk increases 10% linked to that metric alone.